This page is no longer maintained and will be shut down end of October 2024! Please use other alternatives for testing our API like this GitHub repository which includes a collection for both Postman and Bruno and a step-by-step documentation on how to use them: Learn more

Querying Customer Settings

Querying Customer Deliverability Settings

Listing Corporate Domains

Updating a Corporate Domain


Querying IP Restrictions

Updating IP Restrictions

Add IP range
Range start Range end

Querying the Security Settings

Updating the Security Settings

IP Whitelist Enabled:

Listing Keys on the Keyring

Creating a Key on the Keyring


Querying a Key from the Keyring

Key ID:

Deleting a Key from the Keyring

Key ID:

Listing Autoimport Profiles

Create an Autoimport Profile

Date format:
As list:
Userlist name:
Text separator:
Skip empty:
Update only:
File pattern:
Field name Is key Contact field id

Querying an Autoimport Profile

Profile ID:

Deleting an Autoimport Profile

Profile ID:

Listing Administrators

Querying an Administrator

Admin ID:

Querying Interface Languages

Querying Access Levels

Querying Start Pages

Creating an Administrator Account

Username:Do not send
Password:Do not send
Password Expiry:Do not send
Email:Do not send
Access Level:Do not send
Interface Language:Do not send
Start Page:Do not send
Distance Unit:Do not send
Date Format:Do not send
Time Format:Do not send
Form Language:Do not send
First Name:Do not send
Last Name:Do not send
Mobile Phone:Do not send
Timezone:Do not send
Position:Do not send
Last Verification:Do not send
Last Invitation:Do not send
Actual Login:Do not send
Disabled:Do not send
Superadmin:Do not send
Mobile Phone Verified:Do not send

Updating an Administrator Account

Admin ID:
Username:Do not send
Password:Do not send
Password Expiry:Do not send
Email:Do not send
Access Level:Do not send
Interface Language:Do not send
Start Page:Do not send
Distance Unit:Do not send
Date Format:Do not send
Time Format:Do not send
Form Language:Do not send
First Name:Do not send
Last Name:Do not send
Mobile Phone:Do not send
Timezone:Do not send
Position:Do not send
Last Verification:Do not send
Last Invitation:Do not send
Actual Login:Do not send
Disabled:Do not send
Superadmin:Do not send
Mobile Phone Verified:Do not send

Deleting an Administrator Account

Admin to Delete:
Successor Admin:

Creating a Session for an Administrator Account

Admin to Login:
Target: Do not send
Target Params: Do not send

Get languages of a customer

Translation language:

Listing/Querying Email Campaigns

By Email ID:


Add Filter
Filter name Filter value

Querying Available Email Campaign Languages

Language code:

Querying Email Campaign Categories

Creating an Email Campaign

Administrator ID: Do not send
Content type: Do not send
Template ID: Do not send
From email:
From name:
Email category ID:
External Event ID: Do not send
Segment ID: Do not send
Combined Segment ID: Do not send
Exlucde Segment ID: Do not send
Contact List ID: Do not send
Link domain ID: Do not send
Exlucde Contact List ID: Do not send
CC list: Do not send
Additional tracking params: Do not send
HTML source:
Text source:
Do not track HTML:
Do not track text:
Online version:
Text only:

Copying an Email Campaign

Email ID:

Versioning an Email Campaign

Email ID:
Original name:
New name:

Updating an Email Campaign

Email ID:
Name: Do not send
Contact List ID: Do not send
Link domain ID: Do not send
Template ID: Do not send
Additional tracking params: Do not send
Language: Do not send
Subject: Do not send
From name: Do not send
From email: Do not send
Unsubscribe: Do not send
Show online version link: Do not send
HTML source: Do not send
Text source: Do not send
Do not track HTML: Do not send
Do not track text: Do not send

Updating an Email Campaign Recipient Source

Email ID:
Filter ID:
Contact list ID:

Deleting an Email Campaign

Email ID:

Versioning an Email Campaign

Email ID:
Version Name:
Copy master

Renaming an Email Campaign Version

Email ID:
Version ID:
Version Name:

Listing an Email Campaign Versions

Email ID:

Listing Sections in a Template-based Email Campaign

Email ID:

Querying a Section of a Template-based Email Campaign

Email ID:
Section ID:

Creating a Section in a Template-based Email Campaign

Email ID:
Order: Do not send
Group ID: Do not send
Hide on Mobile: Do not send
Header Source: Do not send
Header Alignment: Do not send
Body Source: Do not send
Desktop Image URL/Path: Do not send
Desktop Image Alignment: Do not send
Desktop Image Alternative Text: Do not send
Desktop Image Link: Do not send
Desktop Image Width: Do not send
Desktop Image Height: Do not send
Desktop Image Hide on Mobile: Do not send
Mobile Image URL/Path: Do not send
Mobile Image Name: Do not send
Image link: Do not send
Link URL: Do not send
Link title: Do not send
Link category ID: Do not send
Is Image linked?: Do not send
Is Header linked?: Do not send
Link description: Do not send
Form ID: Do not send
Form text to be linked: Do not send
Target Audience: Do not send
Target Audience Segment ID: Do not send
Use Social Network: Do not send
Enable Social Network Sharing: Do not send
Advanced HTML Source: Do not send
Advanced Text Source: Do not send

Update a Section of a Template-based Email Campaign

Email ID:
Section ID:
Order: Do not send
Group ID: Do not send
Hide on Mobile: Do not send
Header Source: Do not send
Header Alignment: Do not send
Body Source: Do not send
Desktop Image URL/Path: Do not send
Desktop Image Alignment: Do not send
Desktop Image Alternative Text: Do not send
Desktop Image Link: Do not send
Desktop Image Width: Do not send
Desktop Image Height: Do not send
Desktop Image Hide on Mobile: Do not send
Mobile Image URL/Path: Do not send
Mobile Image Name: Do not send
Image link: Do not send
Link URL: Do not send
Link title: Do not send
Link category ID: Do not send
Is Image linked?: Do not send
Is Header linked?: Do not send
Link description: Do not send
Form ID: Do not send
Form text to be linked: Do not send
Target Audience: Do not send
Target Audience Segment ID: Do not send
Use Social Network: Do not send
Enable Social Network Sharing: Do not send
Advanced HTML Source: Do not send
Advanced Text Source: Do not send

Deleting a Section of a Template-based Email Campaign

Email ID:
Section ID:

Listing Personalization Alternate Texts of an Email Campaign

Email ID:

Updating Personalization Alternate Texts of an Email Campaign

Email ID:
Add Alternate Text
Element ID Alternate Text

Creating a Tracked Link in an Email Campaign

Email ID:
Section ID:
Title: Do not send
Category ID: Do not send
Source: Do not send

Updating a Tracked Link in an Email Campaign

Email ID:
Link ID:
Title: Do not send
Category ID: Do not send

Listing Link Categories

Finalizing a Multi-language Email Campaign

Email ID:

Listing Programs using an Email Campaign

Email ID:

Listing Omnichannel Campaigns


Querying an Omnichannel Campaign

Campaign ID:

Creating an Omnichannel Campaign

Channel type:
Campaign type:
External Attributes:

Updating an Omnichannel Campaign

Campaign ID:
Channel type:
Campaign type:
External Attributes:

Deleting an Omnichannel Campaign

Campaign ID:

Add blocklist entries

E-mail addresses:

Listing Email Templates

Querying an Email Template

Template ID:

Launching an Email Campaign

Email ID:
Time zone:

Stopping an Email Campaign

Email ID:

Previewing an Email Campaign Content

Email ID:

Sending a Test Email

Email ID:
Additional subject:
Recipient list:
Filter ID:
Contact list ID:

Sending a Broadcast Email

Email ID:
Email address:

Querying a Response Summary

Email ID:
Launch ID: Do not send
Start date: Do not send:
End date: Do not send:

Querying the URL of Launched Email Campaign Content

Email ID:
Key ID:Do not send
Key Value: Do not send
Launchlist ID: Do not send

Listing Email Campaign Launches

Email ID:

Querying Delivery Status

Email ID:
Launch ID:
Last ID: Do not send:
Allow not finished:

Querying Responses

Start date: Do not send:
End date: Do not send:
Type: Do not send:
Campaign ID: Do not send:

Querying Responses Result


Unsubscribing a Contact from an Email Campaign

Contact UID:
Email ID:
Launch List ID:

Listing Segments

Get Segment

Segment ID:

Querying the Contact Criteria of a Segment

Segment ID:

Querying the Criteria of a Segment

Segment ID:

Updating the Contact Criteria of a Segment

Segment ID:
Contact criteria:

Creating a Segment

Description: Do not send:
Base contact list id: Do not send:
Contact criteria: Do not send:

Deleting a Segment

Segment ID:

Listing Contacts in a Segment - deprecated, use run id based API

Segment ID:

Counting Contacts in a Segment

Segment ID:

Checking if Contact is in a Segment - deprecated, use run id based API

Segment ID:
Contact ID:

Run a Segment

Segment ID:

Run a Segment - poll the result

Run ID:

Run a Segment for a contact

Segment ID:
Contact ID:

Run a Segment for a contact - poll the result

Run ID:

Listing Combined Segments

Querying a Combined Segment

Segment ID:

Creating a Combined Segment

Segment name:


Include relation:
Include segment ids:
Exclude relation:
Exclude segment ids:

Updating a Combined Segment

Segment ID:
Segment name:


Include relation:
Include segment ids:
Exclude relation:
Exclude segment ids:

Listing forms

Trigger Contact Registration

Form ID:
Key ID:

Listing Contact Lists

Listing Contacts of a Contact List

Contact List ID:
Limit:Do not send:
Offset:Do not send:

Counting Contacts of a Contact List

Contact List ID:

Querying Contact Data from a Contact List

Contact List ID:
Limit:Do not send:
Offset:Do not send:
Contact Fields:

Creating a Contact List

Key ID: Do not send:
Ids: Do not send:

Renaming a Contact List

Contact List ID:

Adding a Contact to a Contact List

Contact List ID:
Key ID:

Replacing a Contact List

Contact List ID:
Key ID:

Deleting a Contact from a Contact List

Contact List ID:
Key ID:

Deleting a Contact List

Contact List ID:

Check if Contact is in a Contact List

Contact List ID:
Contact ID:

Check if multiple Contact are in a Contact List

Contact List ID:

Listing Contact Fields

Language code:

Listing Choices of a Contact Field

Field ID:
Language code:

Listing Choices of Multiple Contact Field

Field IDs
Language code:

Creating a Contact Field

Field Name:
String ID:
Field Type:

Deleting a Contact Field

Contact Field ID:

Listing Conditions

Creating/Updating a Contact

Key ID:
Source ID:
ContactList ID:
Add row
Field ID Field Value Multichoice

Creating/Updating Multiple Contacts

Include failed contacts as null:

Merging a Contact

Key ID:
Source Contact:
Target Contact:
Merge Rules:
Delete Source:

Querying a Contact's ID

Key ID:
Key Value:

Querying a Contact field change

Key ID:
Key Value:
Field ID:

Querying multiple Contact field changes

Key ID:
Key Values:
Field ID:

Checking Contact IDs

Key ID:
Key Values:

Querying a Contact's History

Contacts: Send as array:
Start date: Do not send:
End date: Do not send:

Querying Contact Data

Key ID:Do not send:
Key Values:
Fields: Do not send:

Querying Contacts

Return field:Do not send:
Key ID: Value: Do not send:
Limit: Do not send:
Offset: Do not send:
Exclude empty: Do not send:

Deleting a Contact

Key ID: Do not send:
Field id Field value

Querying Export Status

Export ID:

Querying Export Data

Export ID:

Exporting Contact Changes

Origin ID: Send as array: Do not send:
Distribution method: Send as array: Do not send:
Time range: Send as array: Do not send:
Contact fields: Send as array: Do not send:
Delimiter: Send as array: Do not send:
Add field names header: Send as array: Do not send:
Language: Send as array: Do not send:
Notification url: Do not send:
Send FTP settings:

FTP settings

Host: Send as array: Do not send:
Port: Send as array: Do not send:
User name: Send as array: Do not send:
Password: Send as array: Do not send:
Folder: Send as array: Do not send:

Exporting a Contact List

Distribution method: Send as array: Do not send:
Contact list: Send as array: Do not send:
Contact fields: Send as array: Do not send:
Delimiter: Send as array: Do not send:
Add field names header: Send as array: Do not send:
Language: Send as array: Do not send:
Distribution e-mail address: Send as array: Do not send:
Notification url: Do not send:
Send FTP settings:

FTP settings

Host: Send as array: Do not send:
Port: Send as array: Do not send:
User name: Send as array: Do not send:
Password: Send as array: Do not send:
Folder: Send as array: Do not send:

Exporting a Segment

Distribution method: Send as array: Do not send:
Filter: Do not send:
Contact fields: Send as array: Do not send:
Delimiter: Send as array: Do not send:
Add field names header: Send as array: Do not send:
Language: Send as array: Do not send:
Distribution e-mail address: Send as array: Do not send:
Notification url: Do not send:
Send FTP settings:

FTP settings

Host: Send as array: Do not send:
Port: Send as array: Do not send:
User name: Send as array: Do not send:
Password: Send as array: Do not send:
Folder: Send as array: Do not send:

Exporting Contact Registrations

Distribution method: Send as array: Do not send:
Contact list: Send as array: Do not send:
Time range: Send as array: Do not send:
Contact fields: Send as array: Do not send:
Delimiter: Send as array: Do not send:
Add field names header: Send as array: Do not send:
Language: Send as array: Do not send:
With timestamp: Send as array: Do not send:
Notification url: Do not send:
Send FTP settings:

FTP settings

Host: Send as array: Do not send:
Port: Send as array: Do not send:
User name: Send as array: Do not send:
Password: Send as array: Do not send:
Folder: Send as array: Do not send:

Exporting Responses

Distribution method: Send as array: Do not send:
Email ID: Send as array: Do not send:
Contact list: Send as array: Do not send:
Sources: Send as array: Do not send:
Time range: Send as array: Do not send:
Contact fields: Send as array: Do not send:
Analysis fields: Send as array: Do not send:
Delimiter: Send as array: Do not send:
Add field names header: Send as array: Do not send:
Language: Send as array: Do not send:
Notification url: Do not send:
Send FTP settings:

FTP settings

Host: Send as array: Do not send:
Port: Send as array: Do not send:
User name: Send as array: Do not send:
Password: Send as array: Do not send:
Folder: Send as array: Do not send:

Listing Media Database Files

Get All Files

Get Files by Filter:
Filter Name:
Filter Value:

Querying a Media Database File

File ID:

Uploading a Media Database File

Folder ID: Do not send:
Preserve Filename:

Overwriting a Media Database File

File ID:

Deleting a Media Database File

File ID:

Listing Media Database Folders

Get All Folders:

Get Folders by Filter:
Filter Name:
Filter Value:

Creating a Media Database Folder

Folder Name: Do not send
Parent Folder: Do not send

Listing External Events

Querying an External Event

External Event ID:

Triggering an External Event

External Event ID:
Key ID:
Key Value:
Trigger id:
Event time:

Listing All Usages of an External Event

External event ID:

Creating an External Event

External Event Name:

Updating an External Event

External Event ID:
External Event Name:

Deleting an External Event

External Event ID:

Listing Automation Center Program Usage

Service ID:
Resource ID:

Starting Automation Center Programs

Node Type:
Resource ID:
Contact List ID:
Contact ID:
External Contact ID:

List Programs

Abort program

Program ID:

Delete program

Program ID:

Listing Contact Sources

Createing a Contact Source

Source Name:

Deleting a Contact Source

Source ID:

Creating a Cart

Cart type:
Event ID:
Order time:
Customer ID: Send as integer
Campaign ID: Send as integer
Trackable Link ID: Send as integer
Contact UID:
Launchlist ID: Send as integer
Order ID:
Total: Send as float
Tax: Send as float
Shipping: Send as float

Update Wishlist

Key ID: